Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Research Shows Birth Frequently Follows Cervix Dilation


This just in...
Sources tell Newscenterplexdoppler Live 5 that PW (AKA: Mom, Patti Watti, and from time to time, Damnit Patti), spouse of world famous Communications and Public Relations Guru, BuckeyeTimmy, is two centimeters dilated.

For further information, we go to Roger in the Live Super Newsplex Doppler Live Newsroom Center Room Plex...

Thanks Will...
According to sources wishing to remain anonymous, one centimeter equals 10 millimeters.
Back to you Will...

Thanks Roger...
For further information, we now go Live to Janet at the Greenville Hospital System.

Will, after days of research with local authorities, local physicians, and local locals, Newscenterplexdoppler Live 5 has learned that cervix dilation is an indicator of impending birth of a new baby. We have also learned that when dilation begins, birth of a new baby will be coming soon.

Thanks Janet for the in-depth and detailed report... (turn, take camera 2)

In other news...
College is expensive...Fatty foods are bad for you...And it rains in the Spring...

And speaking of rain, Natalie has a few nasty little clouds to tell us about....



Anonymous said...

Make it happen T! Nice name for a boy! How about Johna instead?

Student of Life said...

Mt. Otis is officially on Baby Watch 2008, waiting for word from the "officials" at the "local hospital." We'll be sure to watch your live report at 5.