Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2008

Do You Know Your Photojournalism? Prove it.

The Challenge
There are 52 photos in this 2:30-minute video about a handful of significant events in the history of photojournalism. All of the photos are VERY famous. All of the photographers are VERY famous (in the genera circle). Several of the photos are from the same photographer. I'm not going to tell you how many photographers. Your challenge is to send me the list of the photographers who took these photos.

The Prizes
All who take on this challenge with a noble submission will have your name/link in a "contestants" blog. For the winner, I will 1) extoll your brilliance in a separate "Winner" blog; 2) I'll give you a permanent link on my site; and 3) I'll display up to three of your photos in the "Winner" blog (with proper credit and linkage, of course). One caveat: If you have a site that I find offensive, repugnant and/or libelous/slanderous, you lose. Same goes with your photos.

First person to get them all correct wins. Entry is based on time stamp. Simply leave your entry in the comments section. Or, if you must, send your entries to buckeyetimmy "at" yahoo dot com. If you're viewing this via the Worlds Beyond Rittman YouTube Channel, you can leave your entries there, too. No spam. All respect. Promise.

Side Note:
Within a few days after meeting my professor/collegiate advisor, Tony Mendoza, he told me that all photographers long for reecshe blacks. On and on he went with this while we spoke in the darkroom. "Teeem, you need to get reesche blacks. Reesche blacks Teeem." Tony is a Cuban-American. We were the only people printing.

I decided on my way home that I was going to request a change of advisors. Screw it, I didn't need to put up with that for the next two years. It took nearly a day-and-a-half days before I realized that he wasn't talking about an affluent sugar daddy on the down-low. I laughed out loud in class. - True Story -